Wrinkle Relaxers
Dysport ® | Botox ® | Xeomin ®
Wrinkle relaxers are small injections into specific muscles of the face to create a relaxed and smooth appearance.
Wrinkle relaxers (a.k.a., neuromodulators or neurotoxins) are used in the treatment of dynamic wrinkles (“rhytids”). The different neurotoxins are all composed of botulinum toxin A, which is FDA-approved for a range of cosmetic and medical uses.
These neuromodulators work by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine, preventing contraction of the target muscle and movement in the treatment site. When these muscles contract, dynamic wrinkles are formed.
Because dynamic wrinkles can become static wrinkles over time, wrinkle relaxers also can be used to prevent deeper, static wrinkles (wrinkles at rest) from forming.
When used for the treatment of hyperhidrosis (“excessive sweating”), the neuromodulator blocks acetylcholine from stimulating eccrine sweat glands to produce sweat.